[Open-Science-de] Fwd: FW: OpenCon Germany 2018: Open Science Workshop at MDC, 9th October

Dr. Bernd Rupp rupp at fmp-berlin.de
Do Sep 20 10:53:45 CEST 2018

Hallo zusammen,

mir wurde gerade ein Termin ins Postfach gespült:

ORION Open Science Researcher Training Workshop

hier der Post:

*To:* FMP-Info

*Subject:* OpenCon Germany 2018: Open Science Workshop at MDC, 9th October


Dear Scientists,

OpenCon Germany 2018 is taking place at the MDC! We will be running an
interactive full day workshop for researchers: *‘The Benefits of Open
Science for You!’ on October 9th 2018*.


Have you ever wondered what Open Science actually is and whether it can
help you? In this fun and creative session, we will explore what issues
you are currently facing in the research process and explain which Open
Science tools can be used to help. You will leave the workshop with a
practical action plan of how to use Open Science to boost your
professional life.


To find out more and register here:


Places are very limited so make sure to register soon. The workshop is


We look forward to seeing you!


Best wishes,


Luiza & Emma

Vielleich hat ja jemand von euch interesse!

Beste Grüße



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