[Open-Science-de] OSR: Artificial Intelligence and Open Science / 11 & 12 March 2025 / Apply now – deadline: 28 February 2025
Scherp, Guido
G.Scherp at zbw.eu
Mo Feb 17 12:04:50 CET 2025
-- apologies for cross-posting –
Dear colleagues,
With the Open Science Retreat (OSR) the ZBW brings together international Open Science supporters from different stakeholder groups. Again, we are planning two sessions where we will dive deeply into the topics that are of burning interest to us all.
We cordially invite you to join our 8th Open Science Retreat that will be held virtually on 11 & 12 March 2025, 09:00-11:00 CET.
It is dedicated to the theme Artificial Intelligence and Open Science.
Applying AI in the research process and still complying with the principles of Open science presents challenges such as ensuring transparency and reproducibility in AI models, which often function as "black boxes”. On the other hand, for instance, AI has the potential to revolutionize science communication by simplifying complex scientific concepts and tailoring explanations to diverse audiences through natural language processing.
In this retreat, from the viewpoint of Open Science principles such as transparency, accessibility, reproducibility, and reusability, we would like to explore which effects the application of AI tools – in particular Large Language Models (LLM) – has and how possible solution paths could look like to overcome current challenges. The OSR will kick off with insightful keynote statements of distinguished experts and will continue with interactive discussions focussing on sharing experiences, best practices and lessons learnt.
To guide our discussions, we propose the following questions:
· What can the contribution of ‘Explainable AI’ be to solving these challenges?
· What are effective strategies, recommendations, best practices or lessons-learnt to applying AI in a responsible manner for upholding the Open Science principles?
· What (science policy) framework conditions are needed for Open Science and AI to reconcile?
Don't miss out on this opportunity and apply now for free for this unique networking event: openscienceretreat.zbw.eu<https://openscienceretreat.zbw.eu/>
Deadline for application: 28 February 2025
The Open Science Retreat is an interactive event. Participants are expected to commit to active contribution during the entire retreat. The number of participants is limited (random selection, however, balanced with regard to geographical distribution and diversity aspects).
We are looking forward to an exciting #OpenScienceRetreat – be part of it!
Best regards,
(for the Open Science Retreat team)
People’s gender identity cannot be reliably deduced from either their appearance or their
name. Let me know how you would like to be addressed.
Head of Open Science Transfer
Pronouns: he/him
ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Düsternbrooker Weg 120
24105 Kiel
T: +49 431 8814–456
F: +49 431 8814–520
E: g.scherp at zbw.eu<mailto:g.scherp at zbw.eu>
The Open Economics Guide provides you with practical tips, methods, and tools for
Open Science in economics: https://openeconomics.zbw.eu/
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