[Open-Science-de] First international symposium of the Berlin University Alliance on November 24, 2021: Challenges for research quality: Diversity and universalism, evidence and reflexivity

Skupien, Stefan Stefan.Skupien at berlin-university-alliance.de
Do Nov 4 16:15:13 CET 2021

Dear all,

Please find below the information on the First international symposium of the Berlin University Alliance on November 24, 2021

"Challenges for research integrity: Diversity and universalism, evidence and reflexivity"<https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/en/commitments/research-quality/symposium/index.html>

Hosted by the Objective 3 - Advancing Research Quality and Value

The conference addresses questions of national and international quality debates in science. The event will bring together stakeholders from the fields of research, policy, research funding, and science management, among others, in order to contribute to a differentiated understanding of the complex issue of research quality on the one hand, and to discuss existing practices and potential developments in terms of their effectiveness and sustainability with an international audience on the other.

The program of the symposium is divided into four sections covering different dimensions of the current debate on research quality and research integrity. The sections are entitled Diversity as an Engine for 'Good Science'?, Science Literacy - Taking 'Good Science' in and out of Academia,  Objectivity, Transparency, Validity - Establishing Assessment Criteria for 'Good Science'.

The fourth and final part of the event will give four early career researchers who have been nominated for the Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research<https://www.einsteinfoundation.de/en/award/2021/> in the Early Career Award category the opportunity to briefly present their project ideas. The category winner will be honored at the Einstein Foundation Award Ceremony on the evening of November 24, 2021.

If you would like to attend the symposium, please, register under the following link:


After your registration, you will receive a confirmation of your participation. The log-in details as well as information on technical support will be sent to the e-mail address you used for your registration shortly before the event.

Please feel free to contact the team of the Center for Open and Responsible Research (CORe) for any question you have: core at berlin-university-alliance.de<mailto:core at berlin-university-alliance.de>

Kind regards,

Stefan Skupien

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