[Open-Science-de] Survey on Software Security Culture

Carina.Haupt at dlr.de Carina.Haupt at dlr.de
Sa Dez 16 14:06:41 CET 2023

Dear FG,

I’m forwarding an interesting survey from my colleague Michael Meinel around research software security.
Please consider participating, and please forward as you see fit.

Many thanks!

Von: de-RSE-liste <de-rse-liste-bounces at de-rse.org<mailto:de-rse-liste-bounces at de-rse.org>> Im Auftrag von michael.meinel at dlr.de<mailto:michael.meinel at dlr.de>
Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Dezember 2023 12:13
An: liste at de-rse.org<mailto:liste at de-rse.org>
Betreff: [de-RSE] Survey on Software Security Culture

Dear fellow Researchers,

We are studying software security culture in the German scientific community and kindly ask you to participate.

**You can find the survey at https://survey.dlr-pt.de/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=426135&newtest=Y&lang=en.** It will take you about 10 to 15 minutes of your time to answer the questions.

The survey is based on the study "An Empirical Study of Security Culture in Open Source Software Communities" (https://doi.org/10.1145/3341161.3343520), but focusing on the German research community.

We are working with the University of Alabama, which designed the study and is independently collecting the responses for the USA. So we're looking forward to some comparisons between the two communities.

The survey will be online until 2024-01-14, and the first results will  be presented during the [de-RSE'24](https://go.uniwue.de/derse24) conference.
We would appreciate it if you could share this request within your network to reach as many people as possible.

Thank you very much for your interest,
Michael Meinel

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for Software Technology | Rutherfordstraße 2 | 12489 Berlin

Michael Meinel
Phone 030- 67055 277 | Michael.Meinel at dlr.de<mailto:Michael.Meinel at dlr.de> | [ORCID iD icon]  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6372-3853

Vertreten wird das DLR durch den Vorstand und von ihm ermächtigte Personen.
Auskünfte erteilt die Leitung Allgemeine Rechtsangelegenheiten, Linder Höhe, 51147 Köln (DLR.de/impressum<https://dlr.de/impressum>).

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