[Open-Science-de] Love Data Week - FAIR Data Management: A Workshop OER for Flexible Learning Environments
Leiminger, Larissa
leiminger at mpdl.mpg.de
Di Jan 28 14:55:38 CET 2025
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to one of our upcoming events as part of the international Love Data Week. On Thursday, 13 February from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (CET), we will be presenting 'FAIR Data Management: A Workshop OER for Flexible Learning Environments'.
This interactive 'FAIR Data Management' workshop (https://mpdl.github.io/FAIR-Data-Management/), originally developed for the LMU & MPG Open Science Summer School 2024 and further refined for the MPG Open Science Ambassadors Meeting, is now available as Open Educational Resource (OER) online and on Github (https://github.com/MPDL/FAIR-Data-Management). It covers important aspects of FAIR data publishing, including organisation, documentation, publication and data management plans and guides you through these topics using real published data sets. Instead of running the workshop, we present the materials as Open Educational Resource (OER). We will discuss our learnings from the iterative development of the workshop in hybrid, asynchronous and in-person formats. We will also look at the Quarto-based framework that makes it easy for data stewards, research data managers and other educators to adapt and expand the teaching materials.
For more information about this event, check out our blog post: https://osip.mpdl.mpg.de/2025/01/13/love-data-2025-fair-workshop/
Or register directly here: https://lmu-munich.zoom-x.de/meeting/register/TuKPcAH_SRyMluFxqkRQlg
Best regards,
Larissa Leiminger, Max Planck Digital Library
Laura Meier, University Library of LMU Munich
Larissa Leiminger (sie/she)
Projektmanagerin Open Science
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
Tel.: +49 89 909311 233
Email: leiminger at mpdl.mpg.de<mailto:leiminger at mpdl.mpg.de>
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